This episode explores an extraordinary partnership between Father Konrad, a Jesuit priest, and Abu Muhammad Qafdar al-Hanafi, a renowned Islamic professor. Together, they are working on a groundbreaking project in Kuala Lumpur aimed at training open-minded Muslim students to become scholars of peace. These students are being prepared to join Afghan madrasas, where they will collaborate with local mullahs to promote a modern and open interpretation of Islam, fostering respect for science and different cultures.
Father Konrad’s experience in war-torn regions such as South Sudan and Mali, combined with Professor al-Hanafi’s deep ties to the Islamic academic world in Tashkent and Alexandria, offer a unique perspective on how to rebuild trust and community in post-war Afghanistan. They share their vision of gradual, yet profound, spiritual and material development in a country still healing from decades of conflict. Join us as we discuss their innovative approach, the challenges they face, and the hope they bring to Afghanistan.